Patient Responses
As stated, Dr. Levinson has successfully treated more than 35,000 dyslexics over the past 40 years with combinations of simple and safe inner-ear-improving medications, vitamins, and related supplements. To highlight both the improvements and underlying inner-ear-determined symptoms characterizing dyslexics treated at The Levinson Medical Center for Learning Disabilities, several real-named and real-pictured patients were chosen for presentation:
Larry Landsberg
Larry, now 20 years old, spontaneously wrote:

“My name is Larry Landsberg. I do not know how well you remember me. I visited you when I was in the fifth grade; a terribly disturbed child, lacking any self-confidence at all. At that age with a problem I had yet to know, I lived with the assumption that I was (the clearest way stated) dumb. I never dreamed that the cause of my problems was due to a section of my ear called the inner-ear, and that this portion of the ear controls the way the brain processes information.
“Since visiting you my marks in school increased semester by semester. I went from an elementary school C/D student, to a straight-A senior high school Honor Roll student, and a National Honor Society member who tutors students who may be suffering from dyslexia as I did.
“Thanks for all your help. Without your knowledge, skill, and persistence, I would never be the person I am today.”
Larry Landsberg
Elizabeth Woolf: An inspiring “Thank-you” letter

Tom Henderson

Tom was eleven-years-old when his parents reported dramatic and wide-spread improvements in their son after nine weeks of treatment. His improvements affected: reading, writing, spelling, math, memory, time, speech, grammar, concentration/distractibility and activity levels, mood, frustration tolerance, self-esteem/body image, socialization, psychosomatic, balance/coordination, organization and planning, and obsessive-compulsive thoughts and acts.
Megan Fex
Megan is 6 years old. Her mother wrote:
"Since starting the medication last week, Meg has done nothing but write and read — even before sleeping."
Meg’s dramatic change in her writing ability highlights similar overall improvement within her — especially enhanced self-esteem.
"Thanks: From Singapore With Love" — Hannah Chew

Eric R.
Written Aug 2012 — exactly one year after being treated by Dr. Levinson
I first visited Dr. Levinson in August of 2011 after struggling with symptoms of brain fog, panic attacks, lightheadedness and dizziness. Within a few weeks of simple medications, I had noticed a dramatic shift in my symptoms. My panic attacks had lessened to almost none. My brain fog, lightheadedness and dizziness disappeared. I was very relieved to say the least.
Today I can say I have put these terrible symptoms behind me and am living a productive, symptom-free life. And I've been off medications for the past 3 months.
Eric R.

Luke Schubert-Brown

Luke is a very bright, determined but frustrated 10-year-old dyslexic. According to his mother:
"Almost instantly…he stopped tripping…dozing out and began telling us what happened each day. It's like he suddenly showed up for his life."
Rachel Snead
Rachel was 12 when she initially sought help. Her response to inner-ear-enhancing medications was rapid and dramatic — soon obtaining A's and A+ in all her subjects. She has just received a scholarship to American University studying International Relations.

Andrea C.

Since starting on inner-ear enhancing medication, 37-year-old Andrea's panic attacks have disappeared during the day and while sleeping. Overall anxiety and agoraphobia are now minimal. Vertigo is gone. And Andrea completed her first book (500 pgs) ever with greater speed and recall.
Robert White
Hearing Dr. Levinson on the radio (WBAI-NYC) was an absolute stroke of luck. The man's diagnosis and treatment has completely transformed my life. This is no exaggeration on my part.
After 30 plus years of being aware that something was not quite right in my life and 20 years of searching for the answer in books and in the offices of various medical professionals with no relief and often a worsening of my reality and realities of my loved ones, I emerge phoenix-like from the ashes of some very real suffering.
After one month of treatment I experienced a complete cessation of my CV dysfunction symptoms. Bless you Dr. Levinson. I can't thank you enough.
Robert White

Nicole Barbee

Shortly after treatment began, there resulted significant improvements in 15-year-old Nicole whose pre-existing symptoms had intensified after acquiring Mononucleosis at 13. Her reading, writing, math, memory, speech and auditory processing, direction, concentration, balance, anxiety…all responded favorably to inner-ear enhancing medications.
We first started seeing Dr. Levinson in December of 2009 when Nicole was in the 9th grade. Reading and keeping up with school work was getting more and more difficult for her each year. There were some subtle indicators in elementary school that there was some sort of problem, but as each new school year hit the problem was becoming more obvious. I just wasn’t sure what the true problem was. We took Nicole to several different doctors near our home and had her tested by the school. Everyone sent us away saying “Everything’s fine.” She was managing to get A’s and B’s and was actually in an advanced junior/senior high school in our town. No one realized how much she was struggling and how hard she was working at home to get her work done. Her self-esteem was going down quickly and it was breaking my heart seeing her feel defeated all the time. She often said she felt like some freak of nature or alien. We were really at our wits end and didn’t know where to turn. I heard an article on the radio about Dr. Levinson’s book, “Smart but Feeling Dumb.” It sounded interesting and I thought maybe it could have some helpful information, so I checked it out from our local library. When I started reading the book I was literally in tears because it was as if he knew my daughter and was describing her exactly. There was no way he could be making this stuff up. He hit on so many issues in the book that it made me realize that Nicole had been dealing with Dyslexia all along. I knew right then that he was on to something and I had to find out what it was all about. I spoke to several local doctors about Dr. Levinson’s theories but none of them were familiar with his research, so I decided that the best way to get help was to go straight to the source. That trip to New York was the best thing that ever happened in Nicole’s world.
Nicole graduated high school in May 2012 and her life is so much different than when we first saw Dr. Levinson 3 years ago. It is so hard to truly describe the changes. Not only did the treatment make it possible for her to just complete her school work, she did it with all A’s. Getting her work done was no longer an issue. She is so much more confident in herself and what she can do. She has realized that she really is smart and is in fact a normal human being, not an alien. She never liked books but now reads for pleasure. We highly recommend Dr. Levinson. If you know in your gut that something is not right with your child don’t give up on what the professionals tell you and just accept it. Be the voice for your child and don’t be afraid to keep asking and searching for help. Going to Dr. Levinson was definitely worth the time and money. Anita Barbee
Phillip Woleslagle
Phillip Woleslagle was 6 years old when he was initially diagnosed and treated for dyslexia and associated ADHD. His reading, writing, eye contact and socialization improved shortly after inner-ear-enhancing therapy began. These improvements are best illustrated by the changes in his writing and drawing.
Andrew Lopez, Jr.

Shortly after 9-year-old Andrew was treated for his dyslexia/ADHD, his reading, writing, memory, balance/coordination, speech and auditory processing, concentration and activity level as well as sleep pattern all improved.
Cal Martin
Cal was diagnosed with dyslexia/ADD when 11 years old. His eye tracking, clarity and reading responded very well to medication as did math, concentration and mental focus.
Muscle tone, balance/coordination and sports improved, while accident proneness sharply decreased. Anxiety and emotional reactivity normalized.

Zoe Friedman

Dr. Levinson has been instrumental in helping my daughter achieve goals that we thought were far beyond her reach. Once he evaluated her and she began on her regimen, we immediately saw improvement in her tracking of reading and handwriting legibility. Once we added in additional medication, her progress was even greater — she was able to sit through class and it became much easier and clearer for her to comprehend what she was learning. Her focus greatly intensified and she feels better about herself in general. We feel so fortunate to have found Dr. Levinson and his unique approach to helping our daughter reach her maximum potential.
Mrs. Allison Friedman
Bethany Shackelford
Stupendous!… It’s like my spell check was broken before.
Bethany Shackelford
Bethany Shackelford is a 50-year-old highly gifted artist and designer. Within several weeks of treatment, Bethany’s improvement was “stupendous.” Organization, memory and auditory processing dramatically improved — the latter resulting in handling phone messages more rapidly, without avoidance. Spelling suddenly became much easier.
Now she’s reading books instead of just magazines. Headaches are gone as is motion sickness. She’s no longer as fatigued and is more upbeat. Even better: Improvements still continue to evolve months after therapy began. Best of all, her son Teaghan has also dramatically improved.

Teaghan Shackelford
Teaghan (9 years old) was recently examined and treated for dyslexia. Although brilliant, his needed improvement was both rapid and dramatic. Teaghan’s handwriting samples before and after treatment reflect a wide range of other “amazing” changes.

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Teaghan's handwriting prior to treatment.

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Just one month after treatment, Teaghan's handwriting shows a dramatic improvement.
Jil MacMenamin
Jil is a highly gifted computer programmer with a degree in Internet Engineering who first sought consultation when 50 years old after reading Smart But Feeling Dumb. Learning and concentration have become more effortless. And her insight into her disorder has significantly enhanced her patience while decreasing her frustration.

Brittany Simon

Brittany Simon is a highly social 19-year-old college student who responded very rapidly and favorably to medical treatment. Her concentration, activity and impulsivity levels significantly improved as did her reading, writing, mental clarity, organization, mood and overall energy.
Ethan Haney
Ethan Haney is 20 years old. He was examined and treatment initiated on September 17, 2012.
Previously misdiagnosed as possibly autistic, borderline retarded and having responded poorly to all stimulants, his mom sought Dr. Levinson's help after reading Phobia Free and logging onto They drove over a thousand miles to get here, despite Ethan's fear of motion-related activities and having been told by their family physician that it would be a waste of time and money.
Despite an obvious intelligence, his reading level remained stuck at a 4th grade level after recent educational instruction elevated it three grades. Questioning revealed that he inwardly liked people but feared groups and crowds due to impaired sensory filtering and processing — triggering overloading, confusion and severe anxiety. Complete testing revealed Ethan to be suffering from an inner-ear (cerebellar-vestibular) dysfunction resulting in DYSLEXIA, DYSPRAXIA, ADHD, PHOBIAS and a devastating secondary emotional fall-out.
A trial dose of ¼ of an inner-ear enhancing medication resulted in rapid and dramatic improvements in most all of his many symptoms within an hour. This was the best he's ever felt. And his treatment was only at its initial stage.
Ethan and his mother will provide follow-up observations upon returning home and after completing the total medical program recommended.

Merry Freer

I first saw Dr. Levinson in 1988, flying across country from San Diego, after a lumbar tap left me with disabling imbalance. I had a lifetime history of anxiety attacks, dyslexia and phobic responses, but these new imbalance symptoms were off the charts by comparison. After a day in Dr. L’s office, he was the first doctor to acknowledge that the lumbar tap could have played a role in my imbalance. He explained that already having an underlying vestibular disorder, the lumbar tap put me over the edge.
He gave me a “cocktail” of medications and supplements. Within just a few months the anxiety attacks, dyslexia and phobic responses were a distant memory and my balance had improved enough for me to return to work. Still, over the years I continued to struggle with my balance and was eventually diagnosed with MdDS (Mal de Debarquement Syndrome), a disabling balance condition that most people get after a cruise or rough plane ride. But mine had been caused by the lumbar tap.
I recently learned that there is a good likelihood that the lumbar tap caused a spinal fluid leak that causes my severe imbalance. When I learned this and made arrangements to have a blood patch to seal the spinal leak at Duke Medical Center, I contacted Dr. Levinson (9/12/12), 24 years after our first meeting. He explained to me that the outcome of my spinal procedure would have the best possible outcome if the known vestibular disorder and its partial contribution to my imbalance were treated first.
I have just begun to take the new and improved meds Dr. Levinson advised and I already notice a difference in my balance. With the patch for the spinal leak, I am hopeful that I can be made whole again. I said it 24 years ago and I will say it again. When I first walked into Dr. Levinson’s office I felt as though I had just left a country where everyone spoke a foreign language and no one understood me and suddenly found myself in the presence of someone who spoke English. He is one of a kind and I am so grateful for that.
Merry Freer
Jerry Wolkoff
My name is Jerry Wolkoff and I have a Vestibular Neuritis inner ear disorder that causes vertigo, imbalance, dizziness, and a multitude of motion related anxiety problems.
I am a professional Social Worker and had used a long list of highly respected medical specialists and non-medical specialists. No help previously offered me worked.
Dr. Levinson was professionally unique. He has taken the time, patience, caring, and personal attention to enable me to understand in simple terms what is happening to me and how to medically treat it.
His knowledge and highly effective treatments have enabled me to take better control of my disorder, lessened my symptoms, and provided me a better quality of life.
Jerry Wolkoff

Ethan S.

Ever since he was three years old, Ethan had been misdiagnosed by various physicians. One medical center diagnosed him with audio neuropathy, another with Language Developmental Disorder and others placed him on the Autism spectrum notating either mild to moderate autism or Asperger’s Syndrome.
Ethan is a very bright boy who naturally excels in mathematics. However, prior to treatment with Dr. Levinson, Ethan’s reading ability had been evaluated as two grades below par. We knew this did not reflect his aptitude nor his effort, and that something was clearly wrong. Given the fundamental importance of reading skills, we thought we might have to put Ethan into a special school.
In May of 2010, Dr. Levinson examined Ethan and solved the puzzle that had been perplexing our doctors and our family for seven years. Dr. Levinson diagnosed Ethan with Dyslexia and ADD due to a simple and treatable inner-ear dysfunction. He explained to us that many of the symptoms associated with Dyslexia are commonly exhibited by children who are Autistic, and the reverse. What a relief it was to finally have a simple, logical explanation we could act on rather than a bunch of confusing and frightening terms leading us in circles to nowhere.
Following special neurological testing and a definitive diagnosis, Dr. Levinson prescribed a series of medications for Ethan. One week after starting the first antihistamine, Ethan picked up a Dr. Seuss book and read it by himself. We were absolutely astonished. Previously, he couldn't read a sentence and refused help. He also suddenly became more outgoing socially--wanting to be funny and make others laugh. His eye contact dramatically improved and his prior tics lessened and then completely disappeared. Also his memory noticeably improved.
Over the next few months we noticed further improvements in Ethan’s ability to process information, pay attention in school and overcome anxieties. None of the side-effects we feared occurred. His dizziness disappeared, a symptom we didn't before know about. OCD and perseveration tendencies lessened. His reading improved enough so that he no longer had to be pulled from class for special instructions. Fears persisted but overall anxiety had sharply diminished.
After one year of treatment, extra tutoring and a lot of hard work, Ethan managed to pull within average scores for reading in his grade. He is now happy, confident and outgoing. We will always be grateful to Dr. Levinson for his peerless insights and his extraordinary care. It is a shame that there are not more doctors like him available to the public.
Ethan's Mom -
Ethan and his mother have provided follow-up observations upon returning home and during implementation of the total medical program recommended.
Within a few hours after increasing his first test dose, Ethan's initial improvements continued to rapidly expand: Ethan remained calm instead of becoming severely anxious and motion sick on the drive home. For the first time ever, he was smiley, talkative and even able to sleep in a moving vehicle. Importantly, he felt happier than ever and had the most comfortable night's sleep in memory. In fact, Ethan now wants to develop a website to help other dyslexics.
A summary of Deborah Haney's report — Ethan's Birthday (September 20, 2012)
“After one antihistamine: For the first time ever, Ethan wanted to celebrate his birthday by going to a busy restaurant. He hugged his brother at dinner in front of everyone, chose to shop at Walmart afterwards till 9:30pm. And he decided to write Dr. Levinson his own private letter expressing both his improvements and a desire to share them with others. He is now determined to help others as he was helped. Previously blocked, his deep, warm and affectionate feelings are suddenly emerging.”
September 19, 2012: Ethan's first spontaneously written content
(dr. levenson, the email that ethan sent was in his own words, i did not tell him what to say, and he sent it before i could read it so i don't know what he said, but i wanted him to send it in his own words.)
“hey this is Ethan Haney after being in your office on September,17,2012 and after taking the motion sickness pills i was alot more happier and was not in stress,nerves and i was happy in a car on the way back and Dr.Levinson i was sleeping better at night last night i went to bed at 9.00 a clock and i sleeped until 7.30 in the morning i never been this so happy never in my life before i was a baby hey Dr.Levinson can i created a website and link it to your website and if say yes i will do it next mouth ok that my new email ok”
Ethan HaneySeptember 27, 2012
Ethan just learned and named the days of the week and months of the year. And he is able to recall more than half of the multiplication tables—a task eluding him until now. Although now getting bored doing nothing within the house, he's still too fearful of going outside because of his sensitivity to light.
September 29, 2012
Amazing. Ethan was outside shoveling gravel today. He poured concrete for 40 minutes before going inside. That's something incredible to us!!!!! More updates will follow later.
September 21, 2012
Ethan has continued to improve. Following Dr. Levinson's instructions, Ethan has avoided foods and dyes he was sensitive to and feels much better than before. Following your advice to get reading glasses with a tint and magnification, he went one step further. Ethan recently surfed the internet and found a program (Zoom Text) that has allowed him to magnify and change colors of the reading material and its background. He read two paragraphs of Dr. Levinson's web site without missing a word. What an amazing leap forward for someone who really couldn't read a month ago, despite years and years of trying.
It’s only been about a month since Ethan has been to Dr. Levinson and he is much happier and smiles a lot. That alone was worth the trip. But there is no doubt in our minds that everything will improve. He's now talking about getting his drivers permit. Thanks Dr. Levinson. We will update you soon.
Kevin Collins
Kevin was in 5th grade when we first consulted Dr. Levinson. His response to Dr. Levinson's treatment plan was very quick. Within two weeks we saw an improvement in his reading and communication. He no longer suffers from severe eyestrain following homework nor the feeling that his eyes "locked" and he'd have to "shake them loose." Within two months, he was reading at grade level for the first time since 1st grade. His reading speed increased due to better tracking, faster processing and enhanced memory. For the first time ever, he wrote a fiction story and typed it into his computer. In fact, he now claims writing to be his favorite subject. Although his concentration was always good, it's now even better and longer. He's less frustrated and no longer gets meltdowns by suppertime.
Now he feels confident enough to do his homework without assistance and is working at a faster pace. He is able to understand verbal instructions faster and responding quicker — without hesitation or stuttering. Socially, he's becoming quite a chatterbox. Now in 6th grade, he is organized, independent and gaining confidence — no longer feeling "dumb." Even his golf swing improved. It’s smoother. We are thankful every day that we found Dr. Levinson and that Kevin is doing so well.
Prior to treatment, Kevin's reading was below grade level, very slow, and often he needed to read passages several times before he understood them. His fluency in math was also affected. It took a lot of work and time for him to memorize anything. He had difficulty processing verbal information and often misinterpreted what was being said. He also had difficulty expressing himself and stuttered as he tried to communicate. All these difficulties translated into very long and frustrating hours spent on homework. Even with our assistance, he would take two to three times longer to complete assignments. It's a testament to his perseverance and hard work that he remained on the honor roll every year. But as he advanced in grade, the work became more difficult and the pace quickened. He began feeling very frustrated, exhausted and felt in his own words "stupid." That's when we decided he needed medical help.

Carolyn Bernache
It's been a year and a half since I first saw you for severe panic attacks. They occur only while driving. I couldn't drive anywhere without having a major emotional melt down. Unless someone else was driving, I was forced to basically stay at home. I thought I was losing my mind. Although all other areas of my life were okay, driving was literally driving me crazy.
Since being treated by you with simple inner ear medications, I have been able, slowly, to widen the area that I was able to drive comfortably in. But I just couldn't “break out” of that limited area. I just couldn't muster the courage to overcome whatever fear remained.
Today I intended going to a meeting within my “comfort bubble”. Trouble was, the meeting had been moved to a location requiring a 40minute drive further away. There was no one to ask and my car was available.
It was time to break the bubble. It wasn't easy. The first 10 minutes my stomach clenched. I had to work hard to breath regularly. But it paid off. I even had to deal with a GPS that refused to let me type in the name of the place to get directions. Solution: I called my husband who gave me ongoing directions until I reached an area I knew. This wasn't an easy day. But it was wonderful to get to the meeting...a route I hadn't travelled in over 10 years.
Your treatment improved my inner ear, lessened my driving anxiety, and gave me the insight needed to drive. Knowing I wasn’t crazy or wouldn’t suddenly lose control was enormously helpful. But I still had to overcome my prior anticipation that my old panic would suddenly and terribly reoccur. It took me all this time of continually trying, testing and succeeding to finally drive thru my ever widening “safety bubble.”
Thanks Dr Levinson for Phobia Free and freeing me of my driving phobia and panic.
A quarter or third of an antihistamine leaves me more nervous than I want to be. Feels like my insides are on over-drive. It's back to half a pill for the time being.
Friends and family are delighted about my drive to Bowie. I hope to drive the BW Parkway at an off hour. That would be a biggy for me. My friends say they'd be happy to accompany me when I'm ready. Got to love friends like that.
Thanks again, again, and again.
Carolyn Bernache -
Hi Dr. Levinson,
Progress is an odd business. Today I awoke to a 2 hour school delay and a heavy snowfall. In years past, I would have either stayed home or had my husband take me to school. This morning, I decided to give it a try. Our street didn't look great, but I was fairly sure that the streets beyond our development would be okay and I decided that if the street really wasn't good, I'd turn around and come home... I'm too old to be risking life and limb for a job (although who should?). The driveway was a bit dicey. The ABS kicked in twice, but I kept going. Once I was out of the driveway things were better. I went slowly and tested the brakes with no problem... said a short prayer that the closer I got to the main roads the better the road would be. At any rate, I made it to school without any stress or anxiety. I can't tell you how good it felt. Slowly but surely driving is becoming more of a pleasure. I have even noticed that I am no longer gripping the steering wheel for dear life. Instead, I am more relaxed and sometimes steer with one hand; the other poised in my lap ready for action if need be. What a difference from when I first came to see you. I had tried just about everything; hypnosis, therapy, meds, anti anxiety programs made for driving anxiety and none of them worked. I still marval that at 4 in the morning your name came up when I did a search for treating driving anxiety. I guess this is one more thank you for setting me free and giving me my life back.
Grateful as ever,
Carolyn Bernache
John Nelson (7 years old)
The favorable changes in John several weeks after medical treatment began are truly amazing. His reading and writing ability jumped significantly as did his confidence. Letter and number reversals disappeared together with his reluctance to read by himself. His reading became more fluid. And his memory and thus comprehension for what he read almost became normal for someone who was a year behind his peers in the beginning of second grade — when treatment started.
There were also a lot of other completely unexpected but thankful changes that occurred which are now understandable but still difficult to believe. I'll mention only some: He has decreased anxiety in open spaces, no longer fearing he or his sister will get lost. Not so panicky of being alone and is now doing his homework by himself — a first. Has more bladder control — no longer bed wetting. He's socializing more and making lots of new friends. His concentration and eye tracking coordination have so improved that he's no longer fearful of being hit by a ball he's trying to catch.

Nicholas Aronne
Nicholas was 10 yrs. old when initially diagnosed and successfully treated for dyslexia and associated ADHD and phobias/anxiety. After a recent bout of obsessive over-concern was rapidly overcome with the nutrient GABA, his mother Lana offered the following content to help others:
"After Dr Levinson's initial diagnosis of dyslexia/ADHD, a regimen of both medications and symptom-specific vitamins was started. There was a significant and rapid improvement in Nick's reading and writing skills as well as in balance/coordination. His fears and anxieties also lessened.
" He began seeing reading content in 3-D and was no longer afraid of the dark or being alone.
"In the 4th grade, Nick was reading at a first grade level. He is now a junior in high school and getting B's and even some A's. His dream of becoming a Veterinarian is now within reach. Before treatment this was a hopeless ambition.
"We owe Dr Levinson a great big THANK YOU."
Lana Aronne
Since there had been a dramatic improvement in Nick's handwriting shortly after his therapy began, his mom was asked to send us writing samples before and after treatment:
"Believe it or not we found only one blurred copy of Nick's writing dating back to when he was 10. And the reason is now funny. Because he had so much trouble writing back then, we and his teachers used to write for him… We thought we were helping."

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Handwriting sample from 2004

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Handwriting sample from 2006

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Handwriting sample from 2013
Nick's story was also very important for scientific reasons. He had a very unique congenital anomaly. An MRI unexpectedly found that the direct horizontal connection between his right and left brains—the corpus callosum—was completely absent. Yet his right and left brains appeared to communicate as well as did the brains of all other dyslexics and even normal individuals having this connection on MRI's.
Nick's case thus suggests that this horizontal brain connection is far less crucial for dyslexia than many experts believed. Dr Levinson reasoned that the cerebellum not only integrates the right and left brains via its vertical connections, it integrates the upper right and left brains with all lower received and outgoing information as well.
Judy Thompson

100+ Accidents Since Childhood
Judy Thompson was 60 years old when she initially sought treatment for accident proneness many years ago. After her 100 + 1 fall, her sister suggested she might have an inner-ear problem and had her read Smart But Feeling Dumb.
I was astonished to find out that I was dyslexic rather than backward as a child. Only now do I understand why I had difficulty in school — with just about all my subjects: reading, writing, spelling, math, memory. Most sports were beyond me. I just was poorly coordinated and balanced except for swimming and diving. And I was always having accidents since childhood. It's a miracle I'm still alive. There isn't a joint I haven't sprained — at least several times. There isn't a barrier I haven't bumped into. I've been casted a dozen or more times. Bones were broken or bruised more than I'd like to remember. In my experience, stairs were made for falling or stumbling. I've must have had at least 6–7 major tumbles. But I can even trip over a crack in the walkway. Perhaps even an imaginary one. I'm an accident waiting to happen. And they just kept happening. I've been hit by swings and fallen off them. I must have had half-a-dozen concussions, some leaving me staggering for a week or two as if inebriated. My cervical spines were said to be crushed due to falls and whiplash. And because my balance is also poor, any push or pull or stumble results in an accident others seem to avoid or minimize. As a result of these accidents, my memory and concentration have gotten progressively worse.
After one fall and a concussion several years ago, I lost the ability to know where my head was relative to the space surrounding me. Thereafter my head became fair game for doors, windows, furniture. Just about anything. Without exaggeration, my seeking and obtaining help was very urgent, perhaps lifesaving.
Judy Thompson
Soon after treatment with a combination of inner-ear enhancing medications and nutrients, many of her symptoms improved. Importantly, her accident proneness markedly diminished, vanishing for months at a time. However, during winters, when tired or lightheaded and for unexplained reasons accidents reoccur, but less frequently. Continuous medication readjustments were essential.
With improvement in reading fixation and tracking, Judy realized words were no longer blurry, doubling up or moving. She's reading significantly more and has begun writing a book about her parents. Severe headaches plaguing her since childhood have minimized. Ringing in her ears (tinnitus) has all but disappeared. And sleep is much better than it ever was. In no small measure, the medications were indeed lifesaving. Following her retirement, Judy has enjoyed traveling as did her parents. Prior to treatment, this desire and enjoyment most likely would have been significantly curtailed.
Gabriella Welzmuller
Gabriella was brought for treatment when 8 years old. She experienced academic, inattentive, overactive, defiant and anxiety symptoms, especially before bed. Within one month, she was described as “amazingly improved at home.” She became mellow, compliant and caring vs high strung, self-centered and defiant. Her reading, writing and ability to work independently advanced and her motion sickness completely disappeared. Her energy level remained robust, albeit controlled. Most important, Gabriella felt and acted normal. When asked how things were during our last consultation, her mom said it all in one word: “GREAT!”

Jordan Johnson
Treating Autism + ADHD + Dyslexia

Jordan is 9 years old. He was previously diagnosed with AUTISM, and later on ADHD (+ AUTISM). Following 6 months of treatment with Dr. Levinson when 9 for an underlying, coexisting cerebellar-vestibular (CV) dysfunction, Jordan's communication skills improved sufficiently so that he only manifested mild autistic traits, not autism. Thus his latest diagnosis was: ADHD-ATs (Autistic Traits)/Dyslexia.
By successfully improving the "inner-ear" or CV dysfunction underlying ADHD and Dyslexia as well as its co-existence in ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder), Jordan's overall capabilities were significantly enhanced. Because his Autism (ASD) significantly improved, his diagnosis of ASD was minimized or downgraded to Autistic Traits (ATs). Hopefully, the latter traits will continue to be further minimized over time and treatment, as his evolving favorable responses to therapy continue.
“Jordan was diagnosed with autism at age two and a half. At age five he was evaluated at Duke University where his diagnosis was changed to ADD. Before seeing Dr Levinson, 9-year-old Jordan was “in his own world.” He was very hard to motivate. He did things in his own time and was unaware and unaffected by social pressures. It was very hard to follow his train of thought. His statements seemed random, as if he were telling you something from the middle of the story rather than the beginning. It seemed as though he was just a little bit off… as if a switch needed to be flipped.
“But once we started treatment with Dr Levinson, changes began. The switch was definitely turned on. I started noticing Jordan saying things… as if he was more “in the moment.” He said, “Tell me about it.” That was a phrase he got from his teacher, and he was using it in context. He actually reminded me that he needed to have his homework done. This meant that he developed new organizational and planning skills as well as greater memory and interest.
“His teacher told me that he seemed more assertive, volunteered to write on the chalkboard, and followed along more during class. He also could relay a story to me of what happened at school, something that he could never do in the past. He bargains more, argues more, and even tried to pull the wool over my eyes. All of those things are typical for his age but something I never saw before.
“As we reached our 6th month on Dr. Levinson's program, Jordan's speech and communication improvements continue to surprise me more and more. He asked me what the word “pregnant” meant that he had heard on TV. We also had a discussion about the razorback boar. He concluded that “the razor part was not real.” And he questioned whether they used the term “razorback” to charge people. He also started listening to my conversations and then asking me questions about what was said.
“One morning I allowed Jordan to have popcorn for breakfast. And later that day he lied about it to my sister. He told her he had pancakes and eggs. I was so proud and amazed. He showed the understanding that popcorn is not a breakfast food and also had the presence of mind to be embarrassed about it, while attempting to spare me possible criticism.
“I now understand a lot more about what he is saying and I can follow his train of thought. As a result of all his improvements, I am very pleased and very hopeful.”
Lois Johnson
An Explanatory Comment
Prior to Dr. Levinson's research, ADHD and/or Dyslexia could not be diagnosed when associated with another disorder such as Autism. New research has shown that 20% of children with ADHD have some autistic symptoms, albeit these symptoms are most often too few and mild in severity to be officially diagnosed with ASD. Accordingly, this milder subtype was then called ATs (autistic traits). A lesser % of those with ADHD have officially diagnosable Autism(ASD).
Levinson also discovered that ADHD and Dyslexia were caused by a cerebellar-vestibular(CV) dysfunction. And Autistic individuals were shown to have a coexisting CV dysfunction, although the primary cause of their autistic disorder was considered different. By medically improving the overlapping and complicating ADHD and dyslexic symptoms in autism while lessening their cerebellar triggered signal scrambling, Levinson had obtained and reported overall improvements similar to Jordan's for several decades.
Specifically, by medically improving both the inner-ear determined auditory processing as well as the motor, sequencing, concentration and memory mechanisms responsible for expressive speech functioning, the overall and coexisting autistic communication difficulties are often minimized.
Gary Howell
Gary's speech impairment was the most bothersome of all his dyslexic symptoms. Both his underlying dyscoordinated motor and processing mechanisms of speech sounds rapidly improved on inner-ear enhancing medications.
“After a ventriloquist performance, a woman praising my show said, ‘It is amazing, your dummy talks better than you.’ The difference was that my dummy didn’t have a dyslexic speech impairment when he learned to speak, and so doesn't have to unlearn poorly coordinated articulation mechanisms. Nor is he anxious and self-conscious before others. He doesn’t have an accent, but enunciates every word precisely. Unfortunately, I had a severe speech problem until I was forty-nine. I couldn’t learn to speak correctly despite really trying. And belatedly I found it was related to my dyslexia after reading Smart But Feeling Dumb.
When I first started on medication for my speech impairment, Dr. Levinson mentioned that it would be helpful for me to also attend a speech school. Although the medications might improve my expressive coordination and auditory processing, I'd still need extensive retraining to get rid of my incorrect speaking habits.
After only a few days on Dr. Levinson's treatment, I quickly saw the improved changes in my ability to use my tongue, jaw and lips when speaking. A few weeks later, I started to hear sounds used in the English language that I had never heard before. My speech teacher was amazed at how quickly I progressed. She knew there was something more that was happening to me — other than our therapy. She was awed by the changes occurring in my ability to utilize my tongue, jaw and lips during our speech sessions. People I knew noticed the favorable changes in my speech as well.
Because of my improvements, I was encouraged to become a ventriloquist. Imagine that — probably belongs in “believe it or not.” This would have been completely impossible before I visited Dr. Levinson. Thanks to him, I obtained an ability to learn to speak more correctly. Even my strange accent is slowly leaving me. It still phases in and out. But overall, my accent is gone more and more as I replace my old speech patterns with new and correct ones. And I'm continually encouraged by those listening to me at Toastmasters. They're also part of my fan club, inspiring me to accomplish a dream I once thought was impossible. By listening to prior tapes and comparing them to those I've recently recorded, I can really hear the progress I've made. And by concentrating on how I project my voice onto my dummy, the dummy is helping recondition me to speak better and better.
Gary Ray HowellAn Explanatory Comment
According to Dr. Levinson, dyslexia is not a primary language based disorder as many experts mistakenly believed for decades. Rather, it's a multi-symptomatic impairment that may affect motor speech articulation, sequencing, and timing mechanisms as well as the auditory processing of speech sounds. This understanding is repeatedly confirmed by listening to the speech difficulties as well as the favorable speech responses to inner-ear improving medications described by dyslexics like Gary. Moreover, some dyslexics have superior language and speech skills, e.g., Winston Churchill. Quite clearly, if dyslexics exist with and without speech and language difficulties, and some have extraordinary oratory skills, then it is illogical to consider dyslexia a linguistic disorder.
By carefully evaluating thousands of bright dyslexics with speech (and non-speech) problems as well as all other reading, writing, spelling… symptoms, it became readily apparent that their thinking brains are not the cause of their problem but the compensation or “cure” for them. In other words, dyslexia experts had mistakenly reversed the cause and effect of dyslexia and it's many reading and non-reading symptoms.
Based on Dr. Levinson's clinical examinations and successful treatment of over 35,000 dyslexics of all ages, their symptoms result when initially normal thinking and related brain structures fail to adequately descramble or compensate for the distorted signals received. And this signal defect is due to a fine-tuning defect within the inner-ear and its supercomputer--the cerebellum.
Gary's Other Dyslexic Symptoms Also Improved
Although focused on Gary's speech thus far, it is crucial for readers to understand that he had many other dyslexic symptoms, which improved on the very same meds that helped his speech. These improved symptoms also affected: reading, writing, spelling, memory, grammar, concentration and activity levels, frustration tolerance, organization and planning, phobias and even obsessions and compulsions. Perhaps these latter improvements can be best appreciated and summarized in Gary's own words:
“Occasionally I think back or reread my journal about all the obsessive, compulsive, phobic, anxious symptoms I had prior to visiting you. I am thankful for all the improvements your treatment provided me. Today, it's hard to imagine I was that way. Its a very different world for me now. I marvel at my new skills in speaking, hearing, memory, and many other areas. Thanks again.”
Gary Howell related the following specifics in his latest progress report:
Despite several years since starting treatment, improvements continue and evolve.
Reading Activity
This past year, my reading skill has continued to show improvements. I am reading faster, focus more on what I am reading, and it is easier to ignore any distractions.
Since my first visit with you several years ago, I estimate my reading speed has increased about 50 to 70 percent depending on the level of reading material. The first week that I was on medication, words stopped flying away as I read, and I never had any more problems with this since. My reading speed improved faster than my comprehension. However, my comprehension has shown the most improvements over the last two years.
Writing Activity
Transferring of my thoughts to paper has become easier to do this past year.
Memory Activity
It has become easier this past year to recall things I have recently learned. When learning, I need less time to study and review. Reviewing material is less consuming and more productive, because I can remember more of what I study the first time through.
For an exercise in memory, I studied the morse code. I didn't learn it by sound, only to read and write the code. I had two surprises: I learned it quickly. And I was still able to correctly write morse code after five months of no review.
Some people had still noticed new improvements in my speech. For example, after a recent speech in a Toastmaster meeting my pronunciation of words was said to be better compared to the previous year.
During my speeches at Toastmaster, the evaluator noticed fewer grammar errors, most of which were due to incorrect tense usage
Activity Level
This year, I have been serving as an Area Governor in Toastmaster International. During this time, my level of energy has remained stable and at its best. Last month, I received the Area Governor of the Year award. My confidence in being a leader has improved. Improved reading skill was also a major help to me in learning and serving in this leadership office.
Concentration and State of Alertness
I enjoy mixing acting with storytelling to perform in Church talent shows. Last month, I felt that my performance was the best ever. There were several reasons responsible for my improvements:
First, I did something that I never like to do, rehearsing in front of two people. I had no problems in front of many people or just alone. Finally, I did rehearse and found that I was able to stay in focus only on my performance and not on what these two people might have thought of my performance.
Second, at show time, I did not become nervous moments before my time to go on stage. I was calm and felt very confident that I would perform well. No stage fright.
Third, during the performance I felt totally in control without any fear that I would make a mistake. I was calm, in focus, better able to control my voice, pronunciation of words, actions, and expressions.
Fourth, I was very encouraged by the compliments I received afterwards. I could tell from the sound of their voices and actions that they had meant it.
That night, I crossed over a threshold from a beginner actor without confidence to a more experience performer with confidence. There are many more doorways I have yet to enter as a performer. But the first and perhaps the toughest doorway to performing is past.
Frustration Tolerance
The last few times I could not do something well, I didn't become frustrated. This is a major improvement.
I feel so much better about myself. I have more confidence in myself of doing many things, such as acting, speaking, writing and the ability to lead others.
Psychosomatic Symptoms
I am more relaxed, calm, and well in control when I speak in public or performing. So my stress levels and related physical symptoms are significantly reduced.
Organization and Planning Activity
I still have difficulty getting my desk and home organized. However, my thoughts have become more organized. I am able to plan activities better, and it has become easier to carry out those plans.
Fears/Phobias/Anxiety/Obsessions and Compulsions
I didn't have any problems with obsessions and compulsions this past year, nor any feelings of phobias or anxiety. If any signs of frustration begin to appear, I am now able to step back a moment, relax and think about things that are not going right. And they get solved before anxiety sets in.
Occasionally, I would think back or read my journal about all the obsessive, compulsive, phobias, and anxiety I had before first visiting your office. Today, it is hard to imagine that I was that way then. I am thankful for all the improvements that I had achieved under your treatment the last few years. It is a different world now. I marvel at my new skills in speaking, hearing, memory and many other areas. Thanks again.
Gary Howell sent the following update. His progress continues to astound.
Dear Dr. Levinson,
If it wasn't for your help, I wouldn't have been a ventriloquist. My new YouTube channel can also be found on YouTube under Gary Ray Howell.
Gary Ray Howell