What is Dyslexia?
SYMPTOM CATEGORIES: 15+ Major Areas are Affected
Reading | Speech | Fears / Phobias |
Writing | Direction | Self-esteem / Body Image |
Spelling | Time | Mood / Depression |
Math | ADD / ADHD | Socialization |
Memory | Balance / Coordination | Emotions / Expression |
Grammar | Psychosomatic | Thinking / Cognition |
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Dyslexia is not just a severe reading disorder characterized by reversals. And it is not due to brain damage, a myth that most people have believed for the past century. Rather, dyslexia was discovered by Dr Levinson to be a syndrome of multiple varied reading and non-reading symptoms affecting over 40 million American children and adults.
Ever since the early 1970's, Dr. Harold Levinson’s groundbreaking research has continued to demonstrate that the symptoms of Dyslexia and related Learning Disabilities (LD), Attention Deficit, and related Phobic Disorders are due to a simple signal-scrambling disturbance of inner-ear (and cerebellar) origin.
In other words, the inner-ear and its supercomputer, the cerebellum, act as a “fine-tuner” for all motor (balance/coordination and rhythmic) signals leaving the brain and all sensory and related cognitive signals entering it. As a result, normal thinking brains will have difficulty processing the scrambled or distorted signals received. And the final symptoms will depend on:
- the specific inner-ear (CV) dysfunction and pattern of scrambled signals,
- the degree of signal-scrambling,
- the location and function of the varied normal brain centers receiving and having to process these scrambled signals, as well as
- the brain’s compensatory ability for descrambling and reprogramming.
As a result of one primary signal-scrambling dysfunction of the inner-ear and its supercomputer, there often results a wide range of reading and non-reading symptoms in dyslexia involving over 15 major areas of functioning. These include difficulties with reading, writing, spelling, math, and memory.
Most important, the thinking brain or cerebral cortex was shown to play a vital compensatory descrambling or reprogramming role in dyslexia — thus explaining the favorable prognosis and IQ’s in dyslexia vs. alexia.
Dr. Levinson was then led to discover that simple, safe and side-effect- free combinations of inner-ear-enhancing medications and nutrients can rapidly and often dramatically improve or “cure” the varied dyslexic symptoms in 75–85% of treated children, adults — even seniors.
It was also found that any impairment of inner-ear and cerebellar functioning can cause, trigger or intensify dyslexic symptoms. Even transient dyslexia may result in normal individuals when rotated; and astronauts at zero gravity can become "dyslexic." When this fascinating observation was first reported by French scientists during a joint mission with the Russians, Dr. Levinson referred to the astronaut's reversal disorder as “space dyslexia.”
These insights as as many, many others derived from Dr Levinson' first hand examination of thousands of dyslexics led to a completely new and 4-D understanding of this previously misunderstood disorder. And his discovery of medically-directed methods of screening, diagnosis, medical and non-medical therapies and prevention will enable all dyslexics to eventually attain dreams and ambitions never before considered possible.
By contrast, the brain-damage theorists mistakenly believe that vital processing centers and/or cells scattered throughout the thinking brains of dyslexics are severely impaired. And thus normally-received signals can’t be properly interpreted. Were this brain-damage theory true, then the IQ’s of dyslexics would be severely impaired and their prognosis or outcome would remain hopeless — despite all efforts and therapies. Sadly, primary structural and/or cellular abnormalities within the thinking brain can’t be significantly compensated for. And as might have been expected, despite escalating research efforts by gifted scientists, this flawed 100-year-old brain-damage theory has led absolutely nowhere scientifically in so far as medical ways of explaining, diagnosing, treating, and preventing the dyslexic syndrome.
What Isn’t Dyslexia?
According to Dr. Levinson’s almost 50 year research effort, Dyslexia is not just a severe reading disorder characterized by reversals as currently defined. Nor is it due to brain damage or abnormal cellular formations scattered throughout vital processing centers of the thinking brain or cerebral cortex. And it’s not due to an impaired reading processor within the language area of the brain failing to understand the normal and clear reading-related signals assumed received. Nor is it due to acquired alexia in adults, something many experts still believe.
In other words, were dyslexia similar to alexia, a severe reading comprehension impairment of proven higher brain processing origin, the IQ and prognosis of dyslexics would be very limited and poor as in alexics. In fact, whereas alexics have definite localizing neurological evidence of a thinking-brain or cerebral cortical impairment — limiting their prior IQ, creative and reasoning abilities, the very opposite is found true for dyslexics. The IQ’s of dyslexics may be superior and many, as you will soon read, are highly gifted, creative — and even become famous. And to date, all experts have completely failed to find any definite neurological signs of a thinking-brain deficit in dyslexia similar to the one in alexia, despite a century of trying.