Dr. Levinson's Research in the Media
Dyslexia Includes 20 + Treatable Disorders [2:57 min]
Because dyslexia was and still is mistakenly considered only a reading disorder, all its many other coexisting non-reading (writing, spelling, math, memory, speech, concentration, etc.) symptoms are considered separate comorbid disorders having diverse causations. By treating their common cerebellar origin, it's possible to improve all of its 20+ symptoms/disorders.
Watch nowDebunking Mistaken Dyslexia Theories [5:24 min]
For over a century, dyslexia was mistakenly thought to occur when the damaged reading processor within the thinking parietal brain failed to comprehend the clear signals received. Dr. Levinson's clinical research demonstrated the opposite to be true. All dyslexic symptoms occur when initially normal brains fail to adequately process and compensate for the scrambled signals received.
Watch nowImproving Aspergers/Autism – ASD [5:21 min]
Based on Dr. Levinson's research, overall improvements occur in ASD by enhancing their cerebellar functioning and so decreasing their coexisting signal-scrambling impairment.
Watch nowADD vs ADHD: Similarities, Differences and Better Therapies [2:20 min]
According to Dr. Levinson, ADD arises when the frontal cortex can't process the scrambled signals received. And hyperactivity/impulsivity occurs when "dizzy" signals confuse the activity brain centers. The best results are obtained by enhancing both the cerebellum and the brain centers initially confused by the defective signals received and transmitted.
Watch nowUnderstanding ADHD Therapies [1:33 min]
Utilizing his signal-scrambling theory of ADHD, Dr. Levinson was able to recognize that all helpful therapies decreased signal-scrambling and/or enhanced the brain's descrambling capability. And the same proved true for all helpful dyslexic therapies.
Watch nowADHD and Inner-Ear Mechanisms [2:37 min]
Dr. Levinson's clinical research recognized that a fine-tuning impairment within the cerebellum or inner-ear resulted in signal scrambling. Thus concentration and activity/impulsivity symptoms resulted when the frontal lobes and related normal brain structures failed to process the "dizzy" signals received and transmitted.
Watch nowInner-Ear Origins of Phobias [6:02 min]
By successfully treating and carefully listening to phobics, Dr. Levinson discovered that the vast majority had dysfunctioning inner-ear mechanisms shaping the quality of their symptoms. Thus imbalance often triggered fears of heights. And impaired motion processing underscored fears of driving, planes, elevators, etc.
Watch nowTrue Insights Improve Self-Esteem in Dyslexia/ADHD [8:27 min]
Aside from rapid and effective treatment, the best way to improve the self-esteem of those devastated by dyslexia/ADHD is to simply describe the many mechanisms determining their symptoms. By contrast, they neither believe nor are reassured by truthful compliments.
Watch nowStimulant Rx of ADHD Decreases Risks [5:17 min]
Based on Dr. Levinson's long term clinical experience and recent research, the devastating risks, failures and disorders associated with non-ADHD treatment are way higher than properly monitored stimulant therapy.
Watch nowDyslexia and ADHD Impair Self-Esteem [2:11 min]
According to Levinson's research and patient responses, dyslexia and ADHD impair self-esteem — hence his book title, Smart But Feeling Dumb. In many ways, this is the most devastating symptom characterizing these disorders.
Watch nowNew Treatment Helps Autism (ASD), Brain Injury, Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy [2:40 min]
By recognizing and medically treating the cerebellar dysfunction found to coexist in many major processing disorders such as autism, brain injury, etc., Dr. Levinson was able to effect significant overall improvements in previously untreatable disorders.
Watch nowMild ADHD Explains Rising Incidence [3:03 min]
According to Dr. Levinson, the rising incidence of ADHD is due mainly to better recognition and treatment of milder cases previously escaping proper detection.
Watch nowPhobias, Dyslexia and ADHD: Common Inner- Ear Origins and Treatments [3:44 min]
By successfully treating dyslexia and ADHD with inner-ear-enhancing meds, Dr. Levinson discovered that coexisting phobias simultaneously improved. 90% of all phobics seeking help were then recognized to have inner-ear mechanisms which responded best to a specially designed combination of meds and Non-medical therapies.
Watch nowDyslexia and ADHD: Better Understanding and Treatment [3:53 min]
Because dyslexia and ADHD share a common cerebellar origin manifested by balance and coordination dysfunctioning, these overlapping disorders and their many symptoms all respond favorably to simple and safe inner-ear-enhancing meds. As a result, stimulants may not be needed or be required in very low doses.
Watch nowDyslexia and ADHD: One Two Sided Coin [1:12 min]
Both dyslexia and ADHD were discovered by Dr. Harold Levinson to share a common cerebellar-vestibular or inner-ear origin which responds rapidly and often dramatically to inner-ear and cognitive enhancing meds and related therapies.
Watch nowGroundbreaking Dyslexia, ADHD, Phobia Insights : Introduction [1:56 min]
Dr. Harold Levinson summarizes his groundbreaking insights obtained from over 4+ decades of clinical research and the examination and successful treatment of more than 35,000 patients with dyslexia, ADHD and phobias.
Watch nowThe Only Center Offering Medical Treatment for Dyslexia/ADHD/Phobias [3:24 min]
Harold Levinson, M.D. is a world-renowned psychiatrist and neurologist. He is credited with bringing about a dramatic medical breakthrough in the understanding, diagnosis and successful treatment of dyslexia and its many related signal-scrambling disturbances of the inner-ear and the cerebellum.
Watch nowTestimony To Dr Levinson's Treatment | Inner-Ear Cerebellar-Vestibular [30 sec]
"My name is Larry Landsberg. I do not know how well you remember me. I visited you when I was in the fifth grade; a terribly disturbed child, lacking any self-confidence at all..."
Watch nowMedical Watch, WGN News [2:02 min]
Watch Dr. Levinson's appearance on the Medical Watch segment of WGN News.
Watch nowDonahue [49:52 min]
Watch Dr. Levinson's guest appearance on The Phil Donahue Show. Olympic gold-medalist Bruce Jenner discusses his personal experiences with Dyslexia and Dr. Levinson's techniques.
Watch nowPrime Time [23:39 min]
Dr. Levinson explains the nature of dyslexia and how it affects lives. Some of his patients describe the benefits they have received from Dr. Levinson's treatments.
Watch now3D Optical Scanner [4:00 min]
Dr. Levinson gives a live demonstration of his renowned medical diagnostic test for detecting the symptoms of dyslexia.
Watch nowThe Inner Ear and Dyslexia [1:22 min]
Pamela Wallin Live, CBC Newsworld (Jan 16, 1997)
Dr. Levinson outlines the relationship between inner ear dysfunction and dyslexia.
Watch nowDrug Therapy [1:36 min]
Pamela Wallin Live, CBC Newsworld (Jan 16, 1997)
In this clip, Dr. Levinson discusses the benefits of certain medications in the treatment of dyslexia.
Watch now"It's a true miracle!" [1:52 min]
Pamela Wallin Live, CBC Newsworld (Jan 16, 1997)
Teacher Janice Whitney demonstrates the remarkable improvement in her sons' schoolwork as a result of Dr. Levinson's techniques.
Watch nowLearning Disorders & Intelligence [56 sec]
Pamela Wallin Live, CBC Newsworld (Jan 16, 1997)
Dr. Levinson discusses the inadequacy of conventional methods of testing for dyslexia.
Watch nowThe Inner Ear Explained [1:16 min]
Pamela Wallin Live, CBC Newsworld (Jan 16, 1997)
Dr. Levinson explains the role of the inner ear and the ramifications of dysfunction in its mechanism.
Watch nowThe Inner Ear Explained II [45 sec]
Pamela Wallin Live, CBC Newsworld (Jan 16, 1997)
Dr. Levinson discusses the sensory filtering functions of the inner ear and cerebellum.
Watch nowIdentifying the Symptoms [2:57 min]
Pamela Wallin Live, CBC Newsworld (Jan 16, 1997)
Dr. Levinson demonstrates his groundbreaking optical scanning test for the presence of dyslexia (see also 3D Optical Scanner above).
Watch nowSuccess Rate [60 sec]
Pamela Wallin Live, CBC Newsworld (Jan 16, 1997)
"75 to 85% of patients treated are successful." A discussion of the effectiveness of Dr. Levinson's techniques.
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Interview with Tell Me Your Story (March 11, 2020) [98:32 min]
Dr. Levinson discusses his groundbreaking techniques with Tell Me Your Story host, Richard Dugan.
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Interview with Living Above The Drama (January 10, 2020) [60:00 min]
Living Above The Drama host and National Institute of Whole Health Program Director, Dr. Georgianna Donadio, recently interviewed Harold N. Levinson. Listen to their engaging conversation below.
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Interview with The Psychiatry Show (April 2, 2016) [57:19 min]
Distributed by SiriusXM
Dr Levinson's enlightening radio presentation of Dyslexia, Phobias, ADD and their inner-ear origins and treatment with hosts Drs. Dolores Malaspina and Michael Aronoff.
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Interview with A Fresh Start (October 6, 2010) [45:34 min]
Dr. Levinson discusses personal empowerment with life coach, Sally Felton.
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Interview with Education Today, KUCR Radio (August 25, 2009) [31:32 min]
Distributed by KUCR Radio
Dr. Levinson discusses his groundbreaking book, Smart But Feeling Dumb, with host Dan Angelo.
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Interview with Under the Learning Tree, WBAI Radio (July 30, 2009) [33:08 min]
Distributed by Under the Learning Tree
Dr. Levinson and host Kamau Khalfani bring an in-depth, analytical insight into the treatment of dyslexia and related learning disorders.
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Revolutionary treatment for dyslexia now in Britain [4:00 min]
Distributed by PR Newswire Europe
"A groundbreaking treatment for dyslexia is making waves in the UK and causing not a little controversy. American psychiatrist Dr. Harold Levinson claims remarkably successful results. Between 80 and 90 percent of dyslexics he treats respond well, some dramatically so. His treatment is simple — a cocktail of motion sickness pills plus vitamins and other dietary supplements. But is it a cure? Jane Markham asked Dr. Levinson how his diagnosis of dyslexia differs from traditional medical wisdom..." — from the PR Newswire Europe website
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