The Hidden Link Between Victims and Bullies
Part A: Bullies & Victims — Types I, II, and III
Bullies and their victims frequently appear in and out of classrooms. And all too often primary environmental (Type I) and emotional (Type II) factors are completely blamed. Previously hidden were Type III Bullies and Victims — those with Dyslexia/ADHD of inner-ear/cerebellar origin.
As a result of Dr. Levinson’s pioneering research with thousands of ADHD/Dyslexic patients, there resulted a deeper understanding and more successful holistic treatment and prevention of a previously hidden form of this symbiotic condition called Type III Bullying. As noted within his book, Smart But Feeling Dumb, children and adults with Dyslexia and ADHD are often frustrated, depressed and angered by their failure to function “normally” and so often feel dumb and ugly. And many are socially, verbally and physically awkward while others act-out aggressively due to poor impulse control — all resulting from a hidden dysfunction within the inner ear and its super-computer — the cerebellum.
Upon Dr. Levinson’s examination and analysis, those feeling guilty and defenseless become victims. And those who are primarily impulsive and aggressive act-out as bullies, especially if they are endowed with greater size and strength and are not diagnosed, restrained and properly treated by caring parents, educators and therapists.
By successfully treating these Type III ADHD/Dyslexic children with inner-ear-enhancing medications and related therapies, their cognitive, behavioral and coordination functioning improves — resulting in enhanced self-esteem and diminished frustration, anger, acting-out and guilt. Together with meaningful social, emotional and physiological insights, it is possible to minimize or eliminate the vicious cycle motivating both the abused and abusers, regardless of their overlapping Types I, II and III determinants. Accordingly it is now possible to significantly prevent victims and bullies from growing into adults with similar predisposing traits and thus attempt to avoid the otherwise compulsive sadomasochistic bullying and controlling behavior impacting households, workplace, socio-economic and ethnic groups and gangs as well as politics within and between nations.
Part B: From Bullying in Childhood to Gangs — and Adult and Political Abuse
In a prior commentary, Dr. Levinson, for the first time, classified bullying mechanisms and determinants into three general types:
- Type I: Environmental
- Type II: Emotional/Neurotic, and
- Type III: Neurophysiological, especially involving the inner-ear and its super-computer — the cerebellum
Here Dr. Levinson broadens the currently reported clinical concept and dimensions of childhood bullying so that readers can better understand its multidimensional nature and insidious manifestations in all areas of adult and group or political life — as well as its underlying determining mechanisms.
According to Dr. Levinson, “bullying” is a very frequent adult manifestation occurring at home and at work, although the terminology may change to abusers-abused. Often bullying has underlying control-controlling as well as sadistic-masochistic mechanisms, especially when repetitive.
Similarly “group” bullying or “gang” mechanisms may also underlie social, economic, political and even military decisions — where ethnic/social groups, corporations and nations try to control/expand at the expense of weaker ones.
In other words, bulling can be “learned” (Type I) by children at home and elsewhere, (i.e., school). Once internalized into an individual’s emotional and behavioral nature (Type II), these bullying mechanisms then result in abnormal exaggerations and fusion of their sexual and aggressive drives so that bullying/abuse as well as being bullied/abused become “enjoyable” and compulsively acted-out — thus simply explaining sadomasochistic behavior.
And as previously emphasized in Part A, when there is a “somatic physiological compliance” due to Type III inner-ear/cerebellar mechanisms (i.e., Dyslexia, ADD, Coordination, Anxiety, Mood Disorders), bullying can indeed become a complex behavioral issue requiring clear understanding and expert treatment of all its “deadly” determinants.
Hopefully this deeper and broader understanding of “bullying” will lead to early and better treatment — and thus enhance mitigation and prevention in both children and adults as well as within and between corporations and nations.
In a follow-up clinically-based commentary, Dr. Levinson will expand his bullying concepts and insights into adulthood where it manifests at home, work and even politically within and between nations.