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The effect of a cognitive task on the postural control of dyslexic children

September 18, 2013

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New research verifies Dr Levinson's inner-ear/cerebellar theory of dyslexia. Dyslexics were shown to have impaired balance or postural control vs non-dyslexics. By stressing dyslexics with distracting secondary cognitive tasks during balance tests, their preexisting imbalance is intensified. Also distracting cognitive testing performed when dyslexics are standing in more difficult heel-to-toe tandem vs parallel foot positions further intensifies imbalance in dyslexics vs non-dyslexics.

According to Dr Levinson's research, these findings also explain a greater severity of dyslexic symptoms during fatigue, disinterest, and when complicated by ADD; and why many dyslexics have difficulty multi-tasking. Also explained are dyslexic improvements when concentration is enhanced via stimulating medications and interesting tasks.