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Finding the words: Specially tinted glasses help dyslexia patients read

Friday,September 27,2013

Published September 04, 2013

Tinted lenses have once again been reported to help dyslexics read better by reducing such visual symptoms as word movement and seeing the background vs the foreground print. Using expensive ChromoGen lenses helpful for color blindness, Brooklyn Ophthamologist Dr Shamah believes he has helped correct for the differing transmission speeds of images received by the two eyes.

According to Dr Levinson, many dyslexics have been significantly helped by inexpensive sun glasses and tinted plastic overlays for years. Although initially reported by others over the past decade, Levinson believes that dyslexics are helped by tints for other reasons as well. "Tints improve many of the inner-ear and cerebellar visual symptoms impairing reading in dyslexia," states Dr levinson. "They decrease light sensitivity or photophobia, enhance ocular fixation and tracking by enhancing signal clarity and enable greater signal stability via compensatory cerebellar mechanisms." For additional insights, refer to