Books by Dr. Levinson

Feeling Smarter and Smarter
Discovering the Inner-Ear Origins and Treatment for Dyslexia/LD, ADD/ADHD, and Phobias/Anxiety
Copernicus; 1st ed. 2019 edition (On sale August 30, 2019)
In this ground-breaking book, Dr. Harold Levinson, a renowned psychiatrist and clinical researcher, provides his long-awaited follow-up work about truly understanding and successfully treating children and adults with many and diverse dyslexia-related disorders such as those found on the cover.
This fascinating, life-changing title is primarily about helping children who suffer from varied combinations and severities of previously unexplained inner-ear-determined symptoms resulting in difficulties with:
- reading, writing, spelling, math, memory, speech, sense of direction and time
- grammar, concentration/activity-level, balance and coordination
- headaches, nausea, dizziness, ringing ears, and motion-sickness
- frustration levels and feeling dumb, ugly, klutzy, phobic, and depressed
- impulsivity, cutting class, dropping out of school, and substance abuse
- bullying and being bullied as well as anger and social interactions
- later becoming emotionally traumatized and scarred dysfunctional adults
- Feeling Smarter and Smarter is thus also about and for the millions of frustrated and failing adults who are often overwhelmed by similar and even more complicated symptoms — as well as for their dedicated healers.
Having laid the initial foundations for his many current insights in an earlier bestseller, Smart But Feeling Dumb, Dr. Levinson now presents a compelling range of enlightening new cases and data as well as a large number of highly original discoveries — such as his challenging illumination that all dyslexia-related manifestations are primarily inner-ear or cerebellar-vestibular — not cerebrally — determined and so do not impair IQ, and an "ingeniously simple" explanatory theory of symptom formation.
Most important, all the dyslexia/inner-ear based impairments and their symptoms were discovered by Dr. Levinson to respond rapidly and often “miraculously” in 75 to 85 percent of cases when treated with simple and safe inner-ear enhancing medications — thus enabling bright but dumb-feeling children and adults to feel... smarter and smarter.
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Smart But Feeling Dumb
The Challenging New Research on Dyslexia — And How It May Help You
Warner Publications, (1984, 1994, 2003). Republished 2008 Re-edited — Stonebridge Publishing, Ltd.
Every day thousands of children are labeled “dumb” or learning disabled when in fact they may actually suffer from a hidden form of dyslexia. “Smart But Feeling Dumb” has already helped thousands of parents with information on these disorders and Dr. Levinson’s own remarkable system of treatment. Complete with the case histories and the research that led to his medical breakthrough, and totally updated, expanded, and revised to include the medical establishment’s recognition of Dr. Levinson’s theories, this book is the definite volume on dyslexia-and the book that shows you how you may be able to get safe, effective, immediate help for your child today.
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The All in One Guide to ADD and Hyperactivity
Ages Publications, Published 2001
In this easy-to use, all-in-one guide you will discover:
- An overview of safe and effective drug-free choices by leading edge experts who use natural remedies, supplements, essential fatty acids, homeopathy, detoxification and parasite cleanses, amino acids, herbs, acupressure beads, and more.
- Diet and nutrition options — foods that heal. What you can do about them now.
- The first documented cure for autism and how it may help ADD/Hyperactive children and adults.
- A clear explanation of the top 10 pharmaceutical drugs — easy-to-use lists to track side-effects — warnings — a quick reference drug- interaction chart.
- Extensive listings of complementary and traditional support groups — resources for finding trained professionals — legal rights sources — books, music CDs, supplements, At-a-Glance Quick Reference™ charts.
- An overview on how to effectively use the information in this book, and more…
This user-friendly guide helps you successfully find the safer solutions you want now.
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The Discovery of Cerebellar-Vestibular Syndromes and Therapies:
A Solution to the Riddle — Dyslexia
Stonebridge Publishing, Ltd., Re-titled 2000
In this enlightening and thought-provoking work, Dr. Harold Levinson details the clinically-based research efforts leading him to, and significantly beyond, his findings in A Solution to the Riddle — Dyslexia. At its core, this work provides readers with the first and only comprehensive portrait of the dyslexic syndrome and its determining cerebellar-vestibular (CV) mechanisms, along with new, highly successful methods of medical screening, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. In addition, new millenium studies are included which definitely validate Dr. Levinson’s four decades of “highly original” cerebellar-dyslexia research.
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A Scientific Watergate — Dyslexia
Stonebridge Publishing, Ltd., Published 1994
In this provocative and important book, Dr. Harold Levinson clearly demonstrates and analyzes the ignorance, bias and denial characterizing the conventional concepts of dyslexia — thus simply explaining the otherwise unexplainable 100-year-old diagnostic-therapeutic medical void. Levinson predicts that with final acceptance of his cerebellar-dyslexia data and theories, improper referencing will lead to fragmentation of his concepts and new “ownership.”
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Turning Around — The Upside Down Kids
Evans, Published 1992
Every child and adult can become an expert on dyslexia. The specific treatments covered can be implemented by any educator or parent to help any learning disabled child. This is an invaluable therapeutic aid in helping each child and non-reading adult feel as smart as they really are. Most important, the vital insights gained are as therapeutic as the medical therapy used.
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The Upside Down Kids
Evans, Published 1991
This book’s content offers hope and a helping hand to all dyslexic children, their families, and concerned professionals. It is written in a way that both children and adults can readily understand. And it was published in a typeface selected specifically because it is easy for dyslexics to read. The insight gained by this content will have enormous self-esteem and related therapeutic benefits to all readers.
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Total Concentration
Evans, Published 1990
Within the pages of Total Concentration you will learn the differences between realistic, neurotic, and physiologically determined concentration disorders — often referred to as ADD. With treatment guidelines for you and your doctor. An amazing resource which expands current concepts in both depth and scope – while offering unique insights never before written.
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Phobia Free
Evans, Published 1986
Now for the first time, a reputable medical researcher and physician tells you there is a simple inner-ear basis for your phobias and offers simple, safe medical treatment.
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A Solution to the Riddle — Dyslexia
Springer-Verlag, Published 1980
NOW AVAILABLE IN A NEW EDITION! The Discovery of Cerebellar-Vestibular Syndromes and Therapies A Solution to the Riddle Dyslexia – Stonebrige Publishing, Ltd.
In this revolutionary research-based work, Dr. Levinson describes his cerebellar-vestibular (cv)-based diagnostic/treatment insights into dyslexia and related ADD and phobic disorders. This breakthrough approach integrates psychiatry, neurology, neurotology, neurophysiology, psychology, ophthalmology and optometry, pediatrics, OT, and other disciplines. A vital read for dyslexics and their loved ones – and especially for caring teachers, healers and researchers.
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